The Benefits of Keto for Weight Loss

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One summer afternoon, I had been cooking with mum. We were trying a stir-fry recipe that we saw in an Asian cookbook. While she finished the preparation and began cooking, I spent a few minutes looking for recipes online. “Ketogenic recipes for weight loss” came up, and I thought, wow, I think I’ve heard some great stuff about that.

I flicked through and looked at the recipes. Most of them were with foods I loved, and with relatively easy-to-do instructions. I couldn’t believe I could eat “like that” and lose weight as well. So, I researched it more and found out why! Even my mom was shocked at how good the recipes were. She said, “They’ll be yummy too!” And so, I never looked back after that. It was the start of something beautiful. The new, fat-burning version of me!

The ketogenic diet consists of consuming a low amount of carbohydrates and replacing them with fats and oils. After a short time of reducing these carbs, your body ends up in what is called a “state of ketosis.” It is while in this state that the body becomes highly efficient at burning fat.

Keto Science

Ketosis happens on a daily basis, yet usually on a much smaller scale if that’s not the focus. When we consume carbs, these become converted to glucose, which is the fuel for the brain and the body. When we have an excess of glucose, this gets stored (as fat). On a keto diet, as fewer carbohydrates are consumed, the body enters ketosis and looks to the fat deposits for more energy. Ketones are created by the liver and used as the energy source for the body. When the fats are broken down by the liver, fatty acidsKetosis happens on a daily basis, yet usually on a much smaller scale if that’s not the focus. When we consume carbs, these become converted to glucose, which is the fuel for the brain and the body. When we have an excess of glucose, this gets stored (as fat). On a keto diet, as fewer carbohydrates are consumed, the body enters ketosis and looks to the fat deposits for more energy. Ketones are created by the liver and used as the energy source for the body. When the fats are broken down by the liver, fatty acids
and glycerol are released. The fatty acids become broken down to produce acetoacetate which is converted into beta-hydroxybutyrate (which the brain loves), and into acetone which can be turned into glucose (although the majority of that is excreted as waste).

Studies show us that the body operates more efficiently using these ketones than glucose. The basis of the diet was first discovered by Dr. Henry Rawle Geyelin (1921) who found that while a person was in a state of fasting, their glucose levels dropped. However, at the same time, their ketone levels increased, which in turn, placed less stress on the brain.

Keto Diet and Weight Loss

The keto diet is so good at helping you to lose weight that you are in a position to not have to focus on the calories you consume on a daily basis. You also have the benefit of feeling more satisfied at meal times, so you will have less need to eat in-between meals.

Various studies show us that the keto diet is far superior to other diets for losing weight. Results were compared in a study in England. The Diabetes UK diet was followed by some participants while the Keto diet was followed by others. At the end of the study, it showed the participants on the Keto diet had lost up to three times more weight in a period of just three months.

Food Types to Eat

Food types you should focus your attention on eating while you are on the keto diet are as listed. Please know that this list is not comprehensive, yet it gives a good oversight of what you can consume:
Low Carb Vegetables: Most varieties of green vegetables along with tomatoes, peppers, onions and many others.
Meat: Red meat, bacon, sausages, steak, turkey, and chicken.
Fatty Fish: Mackerel, tuna, salmon, trout and others.
Butter and Cream: These should come from grass fed (organic) cows, where possible.
Cheeses: Mozzarella, cream cheese, goat, and cheddar (as long as they are not overly-processed).
Healthy Oils: Avocado oil, extra virgin olive oil, and coconut oil.
Nuts and Seeds: Chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts, and almonds.
Eggs: These should be free-range where possible.

Avocado: These can be consumed as they are, or as fresh guacamole.
Condiments: Sea salt and pepper along with most herbs and spices can be used.

Other Important Factors

The keto diet was initially created as a treatment for epilepsy in children. It has to be said; it excelled much better than many man-made drugs at that time. It should be noted, however, that there can be consequences for children that follow the keto diet. Making sure that children have a wide range of vitamins and nutrients is always paramount for growth and development. There is also the possibility that children could become affected by kidney stones, or (depending on their age) have stunted growth. Additionally, the risk of bone fractures is increased as the growth factor 1 hormone production is reduced.

You might be wondering how long you should follow the ketogenic diet for. It can take anywhere between a couple of days to a little over a week for the body to enter a state of ketosis. There is also no hard evidence that states any length of time a person can stay on the keto diet for, but current recommendations give a period of three months maximum, before taking a break from following it, “religiously.” Some individuals continue to follow the keto diet for a few days per week, and on the other days they revert to a regular, healthy, eating plan. Safe dieting is always recommended.
Now, let’s get to the recipes, I’m so excited to share them with you!


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